
A Farming and Roleplay system for opensimulator.

Quickstart Guide

Farm Basics



You can add recipes to the SF Kitchen. The RECIPES notecard contains a recipe in each line. There are 2 formats. Old and New ones The Old format is each recipe in a single line with the following fields separated by ‘=’:

The Distillery, Juicer, Wine maker, Olive oil maker use the same script as the kitchen and work in the same way

Storage barrels

Storage boxes can store any of the SF* products. You only need to add a copy of the product inside and it will appear in the menus. To add a buckets or products to the storage barrels, it must be 100% full.

Drink Maker

The drink maker is a bar that needs to be stocked with bar-related products and is used to mix them. It is a combination of storage & kitchen and uses similar recipe format (But see the script for details of recipe parameters)

Selling products

Making custom products

Please make use of the latest scripts from the SatyrFarm repository for your custom products. If you plant to distribute them , you must ensure that every item and all the items that it contains in its inventory recursively must be full perm, otherwise your product will not work for other users.


The farm scripts are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. You are free to modify / create your own items for non-commercial reasons.

To our knowledge all the farm objects and meshes are Freebies and we thank the makers for their work. If you have better open source meshes to contribute, please contact us
